Monday, November 14, 2016

Abigail Essay topic: Eating disorders

Eating Disorders A Serious Issue
Eating disorders are a serious issue a lot of people have or have had effecting patients both mentally and physically. The issue of eating disorders matters because it causes extreme weight loss and depression leading to serious health risks. Many men and women suffer from either anorexia or bulimia. Anorexia can not only affect you mentally but can also do permanent damage to your body. With most eating disorders a lot of the problem starts in their head and is nothing more than the patient hating and wanting to change their physical appearance. The person thinks they are too fat and so they do a series of things to make themselves skinnier. Either for themselves or to please someone else.
Eating disorder can form in any stage of your life but usually appear in the teen years or early adulthood two main types of eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia two of the most dangerous eating disorders out there.  An eating disorder is an eating habit in which people use to make them look or feel prettier. Doing a series of things to make themselves skinnier. Anorexia, one of many eating disorders and one of the most dangerous one. People diagnosed with anorexia see themselves in the mirror as a heavier version of themselves and have a constant obsessive fear of being overweight. People with anorexia keep a strict diet of eating as little food as possible. Bulimia another very dangerous eating disorder involving severe binge eating, then excessive vomiting, excessive use of laxatives, or extreme exercise. Men and women with bulimia are unhappy with the way their body appearance is. This leads to a lack of control and shame. Both of these well-known eating disorders create severe injuries.
There are a ton of causes to an eating disorder, biological and psychological. Not only can a factor be psychological but can also have something to do with the environment they are surrounded by. Some of the biological factors are irregular hormones and nutritional deficiencies. Most of the psychological parts has a lot to do with poor self esteem. Environmental factors can be a dysfunctional family, issues with relationships, severe trauma, and also peer pressure into being skinny. These causes lead to serious risk and injuries caused by these eating disorders.
Eating disorders cause a lot of mental and physical problems leading to serious injuries.Psychologically it puts eating disorder patients in tons of distress most patients have a constant feeling of not being good enough, they feel as if they are an embarrassment to themselves their friends or family. Patients might suffer from extreme guilt. Eating disorders are extremely dangerous. Patients with anorexia have extreme health effects like severe brain damage, organ failure, bone loss heart palpitations, inferentially, and can lead to death. Patients with bulimia are at risk for heart difficulties, extreme weight loss, bone loss, and serve hydration. According to the National Eating Disorder Association on average People with eating disorders are half if not more than half the average weight for their height. Eating disorders can knock 15-20 years off of your life span. More statistics show that 10 million women suffer from anorexia or bulimia and 1 million men suffer from anorexia.
There are tons of ways to treat a eating disorders most of which helped patients suffering with eating disorders. One of the main treatments and most used is therapy having someone around to talk to about the issue how it started and how to conquer it. Group therapy sessions are also used a lot being surrounded by people with similar issues and talking through them and helping attack the issue. Another common treatment is being put on medication to help with anxiety and to help the patient realize they are beautiful no matter the weight or height.
Taking a slow and careful approach in treating an eating disorder is the best way to help the patient. Helping people with an eating disorder may seem difficult but is certainly not impossible. In order to help the patient you have to be able to talk Without saying anything to possibly trigger the patient into more distress but also being able to listen. Figuring out what type of treatments are best for that particular patient. Part of the cure is helping patients figure out how the disorder started and how to attack it and also helping the disorder from happening again.
Works Cited
Abigail butler
Mrs. long
Page #1
Eating Disorders A Serious Issue
Eating disorders are a serious issue a lot of people have or have had effecting patients both mentally and physically. The issue of eating disorders matters because it causes extreme weight loss and depression leading to serious health risks. Many men and women suffer from either anorexia or bulimia. Anorexia can not only affect you mentally but can also do permanent damage to your body. With most eating disorders a lot of the problem starts in their head and is nothing more than the patient hating and wanting to change their physical appearance. The person thinks they are too fat and so they do a series of things to make themselves skinnier. Either for themselves or to please someone else.
Eating disorder can form in any stage of your life but usually appear in the teen years or early adulthood two main types of eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia two of the most dangerous eating disorders out there.  An eating disorder is an eating habit in which people use to make them look or feel prettier. Doing a series of things to make themselves skinnier. Anorexia, one of many eating disorders and one of the most dangerous one. People diagnosed with anorexia see themselves in the mirror as a heavier version of themselves and have a constant obsessive fear of being overweight. People with anorexia keep a strict diet of eating as little food as possible. Bulimia another very dangerous eating disorder involving severe binge eating, then excessive vomiting, excessive use of laxatives, or extreme exercise. Men and women with bulimia are unhappy with the way their body appearance is. This leads to a lack of control and shame. Both of these well-known eating disorders create severe injuries.
There are a ton of causes to an eating disorder, biological and psychological. Not only can a factor be psychological but can also have something to do with the environment they are surrounded by. Some of the biological factors are irregular hormones and nutritional deficiencies. Most of the psychological parts has a lot to do with poor self esteem. Environmental factors can be a dysfunctional family, issues with relationships, severe trauma, and also peer pressure into being skinny. These causes lead to serious risk and injuries caused by these eating disorders.
Eating disorders cause a lot of mental and physical problems leading to serious injuries.Psychologically it puts eating disorder patients in tons of distress most patients have a constant feeling of not being good enough, they feel as if they are an embarrassment to themselves their friends or family. Patients might suffer from extreme guilt. Eating disorders are extremely dangerous. Patients with anorexia have extreme health effects like severe brain damage, organ failure, bone loss heart palpitations, inferentially, and can lead to death. Patients with bulimia are at risk for heart difficulties, extreme weight loss, bone loss, and serve hydration. According to the National Eating Disorder Association on average People with eating disorders are half if not more than half the average weight for their height. Eating disorders can knock 15-20 years off of your life span. More statistics show that 10 million women suffer from anorexia or bulimia and 1 million men suffer from anorexia.
There are tons of ways to treat a eating disorders most of which helped patients suffering with eating disorders. One of the main treatments and most used is therapy having someone around to talk to about the issue how it started and how to conquer it. Group therapy sessions are also used a lot being surrounded by people with similar issues and talking through them and helping attack the issue. Another common treatment is being put on medication to help with anxiety and to help the patient realize they are beautiful no matter the weight or height.
Taking a slow and careful approach in treating an eating disorder is the best way to help the patient. Helping people with an eating disorder may seem difficult but is certainly not impossible. In order to help the patient you have to be able to talk Without saying anything to possibly trigger the patient into more distress but also being able to listen. Figuring out what type of treatments are best for that particular patient. Part of the cure is helping patients figure out how the disorder started and how to attack it and also helping the disorder from happening again.
Works Cited

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