Friday, November 11, 2016


Author: Quinn Simmons    Essay topic: ISIS

          As the spread of terrorism reaches across the globe, we as Americans are asking what should we do? The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has formed and grown to the largest terrorist group following the pullout of American forces from the Middle East. The importance of understanding how ISIS came to be is a key step in stopping them. With ISIS growing stronger daily there is more of a threat to our nation. ISIS has destroyed the Middle East and left millions of people, killed, hurt, homeless, and lacking in food or water. Now with no one willing to intervene and stop them, their power will continue to grow. What will it take to stop them? And how can you help?
For almost a decade ISIS had been in existence, planning and making threats, however having been in the background of larger terror groups their existence was not realized by the general public until its invasion of Mosul in June 2014. Backed by both religious beliefs and feeding on the unrest in the middle east, ISIS grew from a rather small group to the largest terror network around. Following the US withdrawal from the Middle East, ISIS was able to fill the gap and quickly expand, “many recruits were drawn for US-organized prisons” (CNN). ISIS recruited the top members of Saddam Hussein's intelligence service. Growing in power ISIS formed a very strong core, with beliefs that followed along with many religious beliefs of previous terror groups but also formed its own ideals. Creating a platform through social media and propaganda they were able to grow faster than other groups. Through the use of social media, ISIS tapped into groups and regions around the world that have never been reached by a terror cell. Through this platform, they created one of their biggest weapons, homegrown terrorist. Without having to worry about getting their operatives into the countries they wish to attack they can now simply activate someone in their own country. They are believed to have agents placed in 25+ countries around the world.
         Now that we have looked into the growth of ISIS we can realize the scale to which they have grown to become. The war against ISIS has lead to over 150,000 deaths, both civilian and military. However of those deaths, the most notable are another 2,000 deaths in terror attacks around the globe. With their reach spanning 143 countries (so far) and over 29 successful attacks, ISIS has grown to the largest global terror threat. With some of their largest attacks including the Paris attack that left 130 dead, Sana Mosque bombing killing 142, and the Baghdad bomb attack killing 325. ISIS attacks have now begun to reach across to American soil, “pipe bombs in New Jersey, pressure cooker bombs in New York City, and an “Allah Akbar” stabbing attack in Minnesota, all over the space of 24 hours” (TNO). Attacks across the globe are easy for Americans to push out of their mind, however now as they start to be a threat to us things may begin to change in American eyes. With the root of people's blindness to the threat being thanks in part to a media who refuses to link the attacks to Islamic terror, “tried to downplay the obvious link to Islamist terrorism, and nonwhite immigration” (TNO). It becomes important for Americans to educate them self to the threat that allowing refugee immigration brings into the country. Raising more questions about the methods needed to prevent and reverse their spread. Now it is just a matter of how many lives will be lost before Americans call for action.
         With undeniable proof of Islamic terror spreading to the US and other 1st world countries we again ask, how can we stop this? Remembering the unrest and death caused in the wake of the ISIS advance, people need to motivate to do something about it. What is know known as, “the most dangerous movement science Nazism” (Melman). Some are afraid to restart the war, thus the US has remained out of the fight, only supporting the anti-ISIS attack through air strikes. However, if we plan on stopping ISIS anytime soon the fastest, and the only method is a full US military advance against ISIS, “The world must wake up and mobilize all its forces to confront the global terrorist threat” (Melman). Creating an anti-ISIS front run by the US armed forces is possibly the only way to stop the advance of terror. Blocking their recruitment via social media is another important way to stop them. Calling for bans on using social media platforms for recruitment would leave a gaping hole in their system thus helping with their destruction. Countries know what it will take to stop the advance of ISIS, however, refuse to do so because of the lack of support from the general public of western civilization.
          Hopefully now as people become aware of the challenges facing us globally, the threat of a so far unstoppable terror organization, we can come together to bring back peace to the Middle East and other countries affected by ISIS. People need to reach out and take action on our own. Reporting suspicious behavior, both in person and Via social media. Push your government into seeing the need to take action. The only way we will make gains in the war against ISIS is through your support of the effort.  Talk to people, making the problem know is one of the most important steps to stopping it. As ISIS grows stronger daily what it will take to stop them, the amount of effort and resources needed, and the lives lost will only grow. The one path with a light at the end of the tunnel is hoping that a new president Trump will take the needed action against ISIS in his first days of office.
          Consequently, as ISIS grows more dangerous, day by day killing more and more it is a matter of when will we decide to act. ISIS is killing people by the thousands and it will be up to us to take a stand and stop them. In 2 years they have grown from a small terror cell to the largest threat in the world. Through killing and destruction, they have created a monster, destroyed nations, and taken freedom for many people. Being the leaders of the world's economy and the largest military force it is up to Americans to step up and push back against Islamic terror. It is time to take action, it is time to fight for freedoms of people who can't fight for themselves, it is time to revolutionize the Middle East, and most of all it is time to restore peace to the globe.

"ISIS." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

"List of Terrorist Incidents Linked to ISIL." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

"ISIS: 143 Attacks in 29 Countries Have Killed 2,043." CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 10
Nov. 2016.

"Brussels Attacks." CBSNews. CBS Interactive. Web. 10 Nov.

Staff-, By TNO. "ISIS Terror Attacks Sweep US - The New Observer." The New Observer, 18
Sept. 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

"Analysis: How to Stop ISIS, the Most Dangerous Movement since Nazism." The Jerusalem

Post. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.

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