Monday, November 28, 2016

Author: Alex King    Essay topic: Green energy

Green energy has been underused for years and coal has been the biggest use for energy for most of any of our lives and i think it's time for a change and in the end it has a big payout. A greener earth is the best payout because that means more food more sun and less drought’s means big payout and a brighter future. So the question is why is green energy so under used is it because of the setbacks? Well let's look at the facts and lets decide for ourselves.
First lets look at it like this coal and oil will run out and we can't burn wood or that will run out too green energy may be our only hope as a human race. so the good part about green energy is it works off the same process as coal or oil it's all about spinning a turbine and we have found ways to do just that. Now the easiest way we have found to turn a turbine is using wind power it blows the turbine turning a gear which turns another gear that turns a motor it really is that simple. But with the use of green energy we have found ways to provide energy to any place that uses it. Sun,wind,water,heat,or even the earth we can make energy from all of these and doing this we can make energy not only for us but our children because. and even make energy for other countries like north africa and the rest of the world (except canada and sweden they already have green energy) but north africa england and even russia could get on the path to a greener form of energy. And the best part is think of it as yoga it works great it's flexible and causes a good feeling but is under used and called silly because it isn’t like other things that have worked for hundreds of years.
Like everything good in life green energy has a downside it isn't all rainbows and green grass from here it will take a long time to make green energy as big as coal or oil. And people refuse to let it be a thing because they don't understand it but some are just plain stupid. So the downsides are plentiful for starters it requires funding this is the biggest and most overlooked set back. With funding we require not only money for the forme of green energy but also funding for land and to pay maintenance. But on the upside of that we open up jobs to millions of americans as maintenance workers and energy technicians. Now solar power is the most popular form of green energy and for good reason it's (relatively) cheap efficient and can be put on a roof but it also creates carbon emissions. Now the second most popular by far is wind energy it is verticle and can be placed next to each other but it also takes alot of maitnenece since it has moving parts it requires oil and industrial turbines is 328 feet so not only do we need a guy to oil it but he cannot be afraid of heights.

So now that the facts have been presented but not only the good but the bad as well it has given us room for a decision and it may just be the biggest decision we will need to make as a human race. Is green energy worth it and by it i mean the time and effort it will take to incorporate the use of green energy into our everyday lives and slowly phase out the use of coal and oil in homes,businesses,cars,boats,and even planes and trains. Because it literally make our days brighter so let's adopt this energy into our lives whether it is solar,wind,water, or thermo eletric it good for us and the earth because global warming is real whether it snows or not there is proof and i needs to be known so please jump on the truest form of energy it is a new day and on the other side we will have a greener earth and a healthier life.

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