Friday, November 11, 2016

Dakota J. Perpetua
English 10
November 8, 2016.
Image result for poverty
We need to help the poor, so not a lot of poverty happens, get in the action now. What causes poverty, not a lot of people know. But in this essay what causes poverty you will all know. There is more than just a look of an eye, you also need to know what does go on around the world. We will hopefully help and stop poverty in time, but to start we need to know what first causes it by doing some research.
What causes Poverty, I wonder the same thing, let’s find out. Natural disasters is a big one that can cause poverty. That is because of the destruction it can do, “Droughts, floods, hurricanes and other unexpected natural events cause deaths, illness and loss of income.”. The human lives that would be in the natural disaster at that moment, “between 1978 and 1998 that led to the displacement, injury, or death of more than 1 million people.”. I say that natural disasters are the worst one because it appears all around the world and also it is one of the most common in a lot of areas.
Gender discrimination: This is another worst one and this is most commonly in Africa and that is because of how they viewed girls at that time. “In many African communities, girls were not allowed to be in school. Families preferred to invest in boys’ education than in girls.”.  Also women did have limits as well, so still women had to do things, and their rights are limited there but no the men since they get to go through school to get education, “Women were also not allowed to do major economic activity and had less ownership of lands and assets. This idea negatively impacts on the wellbeing of women, and the development of their children is also impacted negatively.”. Since this does happen it has an increase of because how the education that are applied in so few. They won’t be able to get bigger jobs to help themselves as well as family that would come along.

Inheritance of Poverty is something that would make others sad, but we can stand strong. Some people who live in poverty do pass down what their situation is to their children, “Families that have had a lifetime of poverty tend to pass on the situation to their children. They cannot afford education for their children and children grow with no skills. Children work on the same family farms, and marry into families with similar conditions as they turn adults. They in turn pass on the tradition to their children.”. A lot of people cannot afford what we have today that includes water, food, and shelter are the main factors, which again results in not taking their young to school, and then this results in an economic breakdown. “People in absolute poverty simply cannot afford food, water and shelter. They are not healthy enough to undertake any economic activity. They cannot send their young to school and the youth cannot get any skills. This results in economic breakdown of the community, which directly affects the larger region where they are.”. The last thing that I talked about is what I believe is one of the worst, no one should live like that and neither should the children.

Image result for poverty

    In conclusion, causes of what we now know of poverty can tell you what you can do to help out. And, some of these factors includes still helping the poor. With all the wars making areas into poverty, the economic factors that happen, and gender discrimination, etc we can change that in time to help our whole planet and shape it into a better place, instead with all the poverty that happens, instead of all the causes that make poverty, we can shape the community into a better place.  There are other factors as well as getting as much people involved in helping our community. We need to start our new path into a better one, to start a better cause for our community.

Image result for poverty
Dept, ESchooltoday Dept. "The Impact of Poverty." The Impact of Poverty. 2007 Human Development Report, 27 Nov. 2007. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.
Institute, Economic Policy. "Inequality Is the Main Cause of Persistent Poverty." Inequality Is the Main Cause of Persistent Poverty. Elise Gold, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.
Bids, The Dudea. "If Wealth Was Equally Distributed in America, Every Family Would Own $ 528,420.00 in Assets. Most of Us Living in the Richest Nation in the World Don't Feel like That at All. • /r/SandersForPresident." Reddit. Intherorrim, 28 Apr. 2015. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.
Al-Traifi, Zuhair A. "10 Things to Do to End Extreme Poverty by 2030." Global Citizen. Flickr, 11 Mar. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.

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