Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Author: Jake Steerman
 Essay topic: Depression

Everybody goes through some type of depression in their life. Some people have it worse than others. Depression usually affects younger teens ages 13-18. The reason behind that is they are growing each day, and their hormones are changing, which makes them go through very depressing moments of their life. Approximately 20 perfect of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood. Don’t get me wrong, adults go through very severe depression as well. More than 15 million of American adults go through depression. Depression happens in everyone's life. There are many ways to cure/help people who are going through depression.

Depression is a problem because it affects the physical human body. Depression can occur in association with virtually all the other psychiatric and physical diagnoses, depression is also known as a complex disease. Depending on the level of how severe the depression is, physical illness increases, and could very well get physically sick. Depression is very common in the world today. Depression can be caused by many of things; for instance: faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, medical problems, etc. Many of people do not know how to handle their depression, so they find different ways to handle it. Some people get severely depressed, and do not get help. Therefore, people cut, suicide themselves, etc. Depression sometimes will even cause severe anxiety for people.

Many personal things in life could and will cause depression. Many of people get depression because of past abuse, certain medications, conflict, death or lost, genetics, major events, other personal problems, serious illnesses, and substance abuse. There are many forms of depression. Clinical depression is one, and could complicate serious health conditions such as heart disease or cancer. Regular depression can lead to problems with pain, sadness, loneliness, performance in life, no desire to do anything, and sleep. Those factors just mentioned, can lead to life impacts including cancer, etc. Depression tears down self-esteem, self-confidence, and the ability to accomplish everyday tasks in life.

Some people get to the point to where they can not handle the depression, and pain anymore. They start to find and seek the help that is out there in the world, to help treat depression. There are many ways you can get help for severe and chronic depression. One very successful treatment is depression medicine. Many very successful medicines out there for depression is: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; eases symptoms of depressed mood and anxiety, antidepressant; prevents and or relieves depression and elevates mood, anxiolytic: relieves anxiety and tension, may promote sleep. There are many ways and technologies to help with depression, never be afraid to reach out.

Another great successful treatment for depression is therapy. Therapy tends to help “vent” out to someone who knows what they are doing, for instance a counselor/psychiatrist. There are also many ways of therapy, and professionally trained counselors/psychiatrists. Cognitive behavioral therapy, behavior therapy, and psychotherapy. Many people are out there, professionally trained, and want to help. They actually care about how you feel, and want to try to help you with the depression. The moral of therapy is having one person caring for you. The center of therapy is the caring relationship between a mental health professional and a patient.

Depression is very common in today's day and age. Due to stress levels, etc. Some people might even get depressed because they do not have any motivation to live life anymore! Normally because they do not have daily activities in their life to do. Each day there is more and more help for people that have depression and anxiety.

Works Cited
"Causes of Depression: Genetics, Illness, Abuse, and More." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.  
   "Depression Complications Can Affect Many Facets of Your Life." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.  
Goodwin, Guy M. "Depression and Associated Physical Diseases and Symptoms." Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. Les Laboratoires Servier, June 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.   
Publications, Harvard Health. "What Causes Depression? - Harvard Health." Harvard Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.

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