Sunday, November 13, 2016

Bullying the Silent Killer

Author: Taylor Mancuso
 Essay topic: Bullying

You are sitting there crying in the corner nothing to say, nothing to do. You feel nothingness, isolated from the world. The sadness has overcome you. You do not trust anyone. What do you do? You are just a young naive kid just starting to enter the young-adult world. Nothing but loneiness. You wait and wait for someone to save you, but no one is ever there.

  I want people to see what bullying truly does to a person.  I believe bullying has awful effects on people and most times it goes unnoticed by parents, teachers, and even the persons friends.

These following reasons are why a specific group of kids are targeted, and the repercussions. The most targeted victims of bullying are, LGBTQ, Races, seen as a minority in the given environment, those with disabilites, and appearance, these students are being bullied because according to society they are the easiest targets. Bullying effects both the bully and the target of the bullying. “Those targeted are twice as likely as non-bullied peers to experience negative health effects such as headaches and stomachaches.”(Gini and Pozzoli, 2013). Most kids who are bullied usually are overcome with depression and they tend to isolate themselves. They believe that people are constantly out to get them. Most victims of bullying self-harm themselves in order to take away the pain, and most victims contemplate suicide as an option for stopping it all.

The statistics of bullying and how unnoticed it truly is, people need to know the large amounts of people bullying affects. Over 3.2 million people are victims of bullying each year. At least 160,000 students skip school everyday due to being bullied. “17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester.”(Valerie, Strauss. "New data on bullying: 17% report regular abuse." The Washington Post. Accessed February 10, 2014).Statistics surrounding the low percentage of how often it is noticed and an intervention instituted. One in four teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will involve themselves only 4% of the time.  Over 67% of students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying. Students believe that adult help is ineffective and pointless.

The different types of bullying. Verbal, Physical, Cyber, Social and how the effect a person in different ways. The two main types in this day and age is Verbal and Cyber. Verbal bullying consists of name calling, taunting, and the spreading of rumors. Cyberbullying is a whole other story, it involves using the Internet, texting, email and other digital technologies to hurt others. This type of bullying is more widespread and devastating. It is also less controlled and most times out of the schools hands. With all the technology these days cyberbullying can become more anonymous and harder to track down, these kids think that just because they say stuff online that it doesn’t affect another person. My experience with bullying is one of thousands occurances that is causing awful pain and being completly ignored.
Take action by going on social media, newspapers, maybe radio stations, even do some public speaking in front of different schools to get the message across, about the real consequences of bullying. Talk about other people’s stories and how it affected them. Kids and teens don’t get the message when adults talk about it, they really get the message when someone their own ages start talking about it and explaining just how important it is and how it truly affects people. All of the reasons I talked about are more of the reasons to talk about bullying, always be kind to people and, constantly be aware of what is happening around it. Get people talking, tell people why bullying is such a bad thing a maybe, just maybe you could change someones life.

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Just know you are never alone!

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