Friday, November 11, 2016

Katrina Wright: Fake Service Dog


 Many people can get up, do daily tasks and functions without a second thought, but there are many that can’t. We rely on a 4 legged furry friend to help us to do even the simplest things that many do not think of. Waking us up, helping get out of bed, finding and bring medicine. Little things that many do not blink an eye on, other struggle to do. A service dog is trained over hundreds of hours to become a persons right hand man. Sadly there are people that put vest on their dogs and call them service dogs, when they are really fake service dogs. Making the lives of real service dogs handlers very hard. Fake service dogs owners walk into stores flash a certification that they bought on the internet, then keep walking. The fake service dog isn’t public accessed trained meaning that they might cause issues throughout the store. So when a real service dog team comes in it can cause sever issues. Stop fake service dog use before it hurts lives of others. fake-service-dog-scams.jpg

Author: Essay topic: Fake Service Dogs

Being a service dog handler you know all the ADA (American’s with Disability Act) laws and what you need before you take your service dog out in public. No certification is need for a service dog, just the proper training.The ADA state “A service animal is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability.” When walking into a building, being asked for your certification, it catches some people off guard because there is non. Explaining the ADA laws to the businesses become hard when they have seen certification before. This makes many public access with a service dog very challenging because they are asking for something that is illegal and fake. Service dog certifications can be purchases online for around $60 and give a fake service Id and vest to anyone that pays without knowing the training of the dog or they reason you need one. Simple as that, you go online and order the ID and vest,and become a fake service dog team.  Knowing that a service dog is a lifeline for others to live a semi normal life it can make it hard to go out in public and trying to get past all the public access issues that fake service dogs cause.

When you are out shopping with a service dog it’s makes it a pain anyway but, then to look over your shoulder and see a service dog barking, growling, pulling the owner around, peeing on product  or trying to tear up products in the store you know that it is fake.The real service dog is not even paying attention. He is doing his job. In some cases the fake service dogs distract the real working dog. This can lead to serious injury and even death in some cases. If the dog gets distracted and missed an alert for the owner, it could be serious. They could miss a time that they could have taken medicine or call someone before they had a seizure, low/high blood sugar or an allergy detection. All because of the dog barking, growling or trying to attack your service dog. On top of the safety concern, there is a bad reputation in the company's mind about service dog. In the article Fake Service Dogs: A Shame and a Crime it states “ You and your dog’s actions, no matter how benign, will have impact on the people around you, and one misstep can cause people to believe that all service dogs are just over-glorified pets.” Which isn’t true they are K9 that are highly trained to work for their disabled owners by they time they are considered trained they have over 300 hours of training.  The danger that can happen when an untrained dog is pretending to be service dog is so high and costly. 15060381_1253856554674643_1831694279_o.jpg

The public access troubles, safety conser and the misbehaving dog in public is all due to a person pretending to have a service dog to take the dog everywhere with them. They have paper work which isn’t needed and vest that mis advertise their dog. They behavior of the dog will not be as good as a real service dog. This can cause danger to others in the store and the products in the store also. Fake service dogs are a epidemic that are causing issues all over the world.

Every single person can do something to help real service dog teams against fake service dogs. First, if you a person with a fake service dog, I know you want to take your dog everywhere with you but it causes many issues. Our dogs are trained to save our lives and when a fake service dogs comes in it hurts us and the dogs mentally even if you don't get near us because we have to deal with access issues later in time. Next, you can help by reading the ADA law and tell the store manager if you see a fake service dog in their building. Finally, business owners know what to ask and how to decide if a dog is fake. If so do not allow them access to your store as it can cause damage and hurt your business. Every person that helps make life easy for service dog handlers that rely on their dog to life and go out in public.   

Stopping fake service dogs being used in public is super important for not only other real service dog teams but the companies too. If you can stop a fake service dog you are protecting real service dog teams from danger and public access issues. Service dogs are trained many hours to have the right to be in the stores to help their owners in every way to make simple task that are hard for them simple again. Stopping fake service dogs is the only way to keep real service dogs handlers safe and respected.  

@dogtimedotcom. "Fake Service Dogs: A Shame...And A Crime - Dogtime." Dogtime Fake Service Dogs A ShameAnd A Crime Comments. N.p., 2015. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

"Service Animals." Revised ADA Requirements:. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

"Service Animals - ADA Business Brief." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

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