Sunday, October 25, 2015

3 Causes of Suicide

Author: Essay topic:
3 Causes of Suicide
Why is it important to spread positivity?

  Societies standards of beauty are redundant. Everyone has a different idea of what beauty is. Societies standards of beauty is what you see in magazines usually, but even then society will critique those who are in them. We live in an era where photoshop and editing is huge. We are taught to believe a size two is perfect, while a size 12 is just as perfect. Beauty is not defined by a number.
   Society has mixed thoughts on how people should feel about themselves. They believe people who have no self-confidence are attention seekers; yet if you have self-confidence you are perceived as self-centered. I would rather be seen as an attention seeker or self-centered than try to please people I have no attention on being in contact with.

   Society often critiques everything about someone, then when that person takes their life due to those people, they either care or shame them. At society, you need to shush because you’re doing no good. Yes, freedom of speech is a thing, but somethings are best kept unsaid. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

    At humanity, I know how hard it is to just stop caring about what others think and say, however stop trying to please people. You don’t need someone's acceptance to be happy. Do what makes you happy without worrying about what others will think and say. Care about your well-being while being selfless. It’s possible.

   Sexual assault is a topic that’s not talked about very often. It’s a very sensitive topic and when it is talked about, victim shamming is very common. Society often sees those who come out with a sexual assault story as a way to get attention, or sees fault in the victim. There can be both supporting and non-supporting feedback. Which is understandable, however there is no need in being negative, either be supportive or walk away.

    Victim shaming is something that is sadly pretty common. People often ask what they were wearing like clothing is a form of consent. Which it’s not. A person actually has to say yes for it to be consensual. Just because someone is wearing clothing that you think gives you consent, doesn’t mean you have consent. Same goes for someone who seems to be into it. They actually have to give you consent for it to be consensual. Consent is a basic human right.

   I bet a majority of people thing males don’t get sexually assaulted. Just because it’s not talked about often doesn’t mean it’s non-existent. Sexual assault can happen to anyone. One in 6 men have been in a sexually abusive relationship. There’s an average of 12,000 reported sexual assaults of men. 60,000 men each year in the United States alone have been sexually assaulted.

   Before you react to someone coming out about being sexually assaulted, think about how they felt and are still feeling. They have enough self-blame, shame, depression, fear, anxiety, ect. They don’t need others adding onto that making it worse. Be thoughtful, kind, caring, and loving. If you can’t do that, the best thing to do is to walk away.

  Bullying is incredibly common. It happens all over the world. 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with it and will only intervene 4% of the time. Which I find hard to believe, however it could also be true, sadly. They way I see bullying is that the bully usually has something going on and doesn’t know how to cope with it or handle it. Which can result in being violent and/or verbal towards someone else. The person being bullied can either handle it will or handle it badly, it’s 50/50. Handling bullying is tricky. The bully usually acts like nothing is happening while the victim says that it’s okay. The outcome can either be good or bad.  

  My advice for who's being bullied is to talk about it, bottling it up does no good. Being open about it is one of the best things you can do along with not giving in. Eventually it will get better. Be the bigger person. Stand tall with your head held high. You can get through anything.

 In reality suicide is an effect of these causes. Suicide is an extremely real thing. I know how hard it is at believing that you’re not alone and that there is a purpose as to why you’re here. It takes time to realize it. Always remember that you are important, you are loved, and you are cared about. Even when life doesn’t seem like it’s going to be okay, it will end up being okay. You’re going to be okay. Don’t hesitate to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. Spread so much love and positivity around. Be others sunshines and rocks. Don’t be afraid to seek help. There are people out there willing to help you and be there for you every step of the way. You are worthwhile but most importantly, you are enough. Life has it’s bad times but it won’t stay like that forever. There’s so much living proof that it gets better, just give it time. Life will always has it’s bumps. The things life throws at us is to help us grow and to learn. We’re all not perfect and that is completely okay. Suicide eliminates the possibility of life ever getting better. Be there to see the change.  

 The answer of why you should spread positivity is that it can make a great impact on others lives. Society as a whole is so negative and feeds off things that aren’t even important. Instead of being negative about everything and towards everything, spread positivity. Make the change of being a brighter person because even with one person being positive, it can make an incredible impact.

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