Sunday, October 18, 2015

Bee extinction

Author: Raquel Miller    Essay topic: Bee Extinction

Bees are going extinct, there’s no denying that, but bees are one of the most important things in the world, they keep us alive. Bees are responsible for the pollination of flowers, trees, and foods like fruits and vegetables. They are a wonderful thing to the world, They provide us with so many resources. Many people don’t like them, because they’re afraid to get stung. But most of these people most likely don’t understand the importance of bees to the human race. They don’t understand the importance of bees to them. I understand why they might not enjoy them, I didn’t for a while either, before I grew up and realized why bees are of the utmost importance to the world. Now of course there are things in the world that are more important than bees, but those things aren’t dying out. Right now, bees are in dire need of human help, and here’s why.

The most important thing Bees do is pollinate. One of the things bees pollinate are flowers. Bees get energy from flowers nectar, in returns, they leave pollen, which hydrates the flower and keeps it alive. With the energy the bees get from flowers, they fly to other flowers and pollinate them. Or course, all this happens in spring and summer time. You know, how one day, early in spring, yellow dust shows up everywhere? Well that’s from bees. In Winter, it’s too cold for bees to pollinate, and that why we see flowers dying, leaves falling off aspen trees, because they can’t live without the bees. If bees were to go extinct, that’s how it would be every single day, all year. Without bees, we would soon run out of air because there wouldn’t be enough flowers and trees to filter the air.

Another thing bees pollinate are foods. Specifically fruits and vegetables. Bees give life to the foods, along with sunlight and water. Without bees, these foods could not thrive, the could not grow or reproduce. And without those foods, many places would go out of business; for example, Sprouts and Natural Grocers who specialize in those foods. And other companies like Naked and juice brands would go out of business because they wouldn’t have any products to sell, because they can’t make them without fruits and vegetables.

Pesticides are used by most gardeners on their flowers in their garden. However, what most people might not know is that pesticides can be very harmful to bees. With some pesticides, if it is sprayed directly on the bees, they die immediately. If not directly sprayed on the bees, it’s possible that they could go back to the hive, then die, or even die on the way back. Other types of pesticides might not have any effect on adult bees, but can kill younger bees. The two most deadly types of pesticides to bees are called Neonicotinoids and Coumaphos. These two pesticides target bee's brains, making it harder for them to identify flowers, because they forget the scents; which will then lead to death because they have no way to get food or energize themselves. Neonicotinoids are known to target bees central nervous system. This pesticide is used very widely throughout the US; mostly, this pesticide goes on seeds and potted plants. When Neonicotinoids are used on plants, it quickly spreads throughout the plant, including the nectar and pollen. Then it gets passed onto the bees through the nectar, and they die.

There are many ways you can help save bees. One, plant flowers. Bees get energy from flowers, which keeps them alive and healthy so they can pollinate foods and other plants. Two, be careful of the pesticides you use on your plants. Some pesticides are very harmful to bees, it’s the main reason for the major decline. People will put pesticides on their plants, the bees will come to pollinate and the pesticides on the flowers will kill them. Three, donate to organizations that are helping try to stop bee extinction. there are so many out there, but they aren’t thriving because not enough people are donating. If more people donated, they could possibly create a pesticide that isn't harmful to bees and wouldn’t kill them if they pollinate that flower.

In conclusion, bees keep us alive; they produce foods and plants we need to stay alive. They provide for many companies and every human on this planet. Bees are a beautiful and unique thing, there’s nothing like them in the world. But if we do not start realizing the danger we are putting them in, they will soon be gone because of us.

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