Saturday, October 17, 2015

Author: Madison Fox    Essay topic: Abortion: What it Really Means

Abortion: What it Really Means
By Madison L. Fox

While many women feel the right to have an abortion, other women may choose not to. Abortion is a very important cause, and women should feel as if they have a choice unbiased based on society’s thinking.  Abortion has been something that many people have disagreed on, and all women should have this as an option.  Whether a woman wants to have an abortion, she should not feel guilty or bad. She has so many reasons, that only she  can provide support for her decision. If she wants to have her baby, people should not say that she shouldn’t. It is important to keep in mind that every woman has a right to do what she feels is best, and should be given support for whatever she decides is the final outcome. People need to support each other, and like President Obama says, “women make up 50% of the nation.” This means that half of this country has the right to make her decisions, whether it be Pro-Life, or Pro-Abortion.

My first point is that many people contradict the idea on whether abortion should be legal or not. With so many pregnancies, I think that women should not have to base their decisions on what their religions say is wrong, or what their families think. People make mistakes, they could not have the proper financial support to take care of a baby, or the fetus may have a serious health concern.  While religion is very important and special, to be forgiven for a difficult decision should be awarded to the mother. 50% of women who choose to abort their fetus are either not financially ready or their current situation does not lend itself to take care of a baby. Many women are thinking about their unborn child when they choose abortion. They think about the pros and cons of having this child, and for them, there could be more cons.

Although abortion is the answer to the mother and baby’s issue, it may not be absolutely necessary for some women. Every woman is different and some may feel that having their baby is the right thing to do, when people tell them that it is wrong. Maybe that woman wants a family to adopt their baby if their life situation is not right, or they are perfectly capable of raising a child. According to Life Action News,  women could potentially face severe family problems or have health concerns regarding abortion. While not intentionally pregnant, it is not wrong to keep their baby. Society can use this Pro-Life example to tell women they are wrong and that they are unable to care for a baby. It is her choice, and she should not be told otherwise.

As a whole, most women do not get to choose whether they want to have their baby, or to abort it. Society needs to reform its way of thinking, so women are not pressured into something they cannot control. Women need to be able to feel secure with their bodies with what is best for them, and for their unborn child. If having it is what is best, that is what they should do. If having an abortion is best, they need to take this opportunity. Religion, society and the law can be so unforgiving, and women need to feel like they can control what they need without a religious group or a family member telling them that they are wrong.

People can help make a change by stop pressuring women and telling them that abortion is right/wrong. It is not someone else's decision as to who can or cannot have a baby. It is the mother’s, and she needs to make the decision without being punished for it.  People need to not think about themselves or their religion, but they can all consider the woman’s view of having an abortion or not. Whether it is against their belief, or against their personal values, not every woman should have this looming over their future or their unborn child’s future.

Works Cited
"In These Times." N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2015.
"My Late-term Abortion - Our Bodies Ourselves." Our Bodies Ourselves. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.
"Planned Parenthood: Obama the Most Pro-Abortion President Ever." N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.

"10 Reasons Not to Have an Abortion | Live Action News." Live Action News. N.p., 10 Nov. 2013. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.

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