Monday, October 19, 2015

Impact of Media on Children

Logan Zediker
Mrs. Long
English 10
19 October 2015

Impact of Media on Children

Admit it, you watch TV, read magazines, and have some sort of social media. Many children in our American society have adapted to this norm as well. Studies show that 86% of girls report eating disorders between ages of 16 and 20.6. Shocking, I know. Would it shock you to know that 47% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported wanting to lose weight because of magazine pictures, while another 69% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported that magazine pictures influenced their idea of a perfect body shape? Only 13.5% of youth are obese, yet the majority of this percentage has been caused by media like food advertisements and commercials. 65% of obese children are more likely to be bullied than children of a normal weight. The influence of the use of drugs or cigarettes among adolescents is influenced heavily by musical cultures, commercials, movies and celebrities that are role models using drugs or smoking. Kids are oblivious to the true impact this has on them, however they are being affected by this every time a commercial comes on. The social development of the children in our society today is solely founded upon media formed idealistic values that are damaging children’s self-image, healthy habits, and interactions with their peers.

Media is the biggest challenge for girls. From diet ads to how to look thinner tips in magazines, on social media, or TV shows. Girls have a 10:1 chance of developing an eating disorder, but hope is not lost. Even though eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness there is an estimated 60% chance of recovery. Celebrities are typically displayed as flawless or nearly perfect. When they are not, they are mocked and made fun of. This same type of public embarrassment influences bullies to take action because children are very unique. It is not directly their faults, however there could be precautions taken to prevent this when these gossip writers produce an article. Much like advertising it is all about the money they make and not the impact it causes.

Today’s children consume multiple types of media spending more than 44.5 hours per week in front of computer, television, and game screens than any other activity in their lives except sleeping. There is a strong associations between increases in advertising for unhealthy foods and rates of childhood obesity. Advertising directed at children this young is by its very nature exploitative. Children are not at the age where they can differentiate and understand the persuasive intents behind advertising. Children have an astounding ability to recall content from the ads to which they have been exposed. Product preference has been shown to occur with as little as a single commercial exposure and to strengthen with repeated exposures. Product preferences affect children's product purchase requests and these requests influence parents' purchasing decisions ultimately resulting in more profit for the company.

Today’s children are heavily influenced by the party themed music, the celebrities always looking to have fun and movies where drugs, alcohol and violence is encouraged. These movies and songs are entertaining and practically harmless until adolescent minds concoct a replication. The true danger lies behind the indirect effects which are unintended but occur nonetheless; Children using drugs, smoking, or abusing alcohol. 21.2% of today’s youth smoke marijuana, and 78% of teens drink alcohol. Drinking and doing drugs is commonly associated with wealth, fame and luxury in popular rap/pop culture songs and movies. 53% of teens are inadvertently affected by this influence because of it’s popularity among youth. Although these artists do not mean to, they are and that is what matters. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Children are at risk daily because of the media that surrounds us every single day. As we grow older we begin to roll our eyes at those commercials, but it is important to prevent these dire impacts from happening while they’re young. Many children have not learned simple manners, are becoming obese and face constant judgement by their peers. Children tend to use more foul language and have a higher chance of bullying or being bullied. Our future generations are the future of our society and we must preserve their innocence and benevolence. The media is drastically affecting children’s lives by the minute and something must be done before it is too late. It isn’t minimal, we are talking about children’s entire lives based upon their self image that is being demolished by the media, who doesn’t care what happens to a million kids as long as their profits are rising. Your loved ones are just as much at risk as children across the United States, don’t take that for granted.

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