Friday, October 16, 2015

Adopt Don't Shop!

Author: Olivia Tullos  
Essay topic: To Get a Pet or to Not Get a Pet!
Approximately 70% of the world population has pets. Many people have pets but some don’t; more people should have pets. It is proven that owning a pet can make people happier. Blind people have dogs to help them get around, pets can be helpful in many different ways. Help get pets out of the shelters by adopting! When you adopt, you know the health history of your pet and usually the age. In a pet store they will not know the health history or the age. During August, when all adoption fees were waived, there were hardly any pets in the shelters because of everyone adopting! Adopt don’t shop!
Adopting a pet can be helpful for both pets and people. Adopting pets can take pets out of shelters and improve people’s health. In the article What are the Health Benefits of Owning a Pet?,  Lynette Hart, PhD, associate professor at the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine said, "studies have shown that Alzheimer's patients have fewer anxious outbursts if there is an animal in the home. Their caregivers also feel less burdened when there is a pet, particularly if it is a cat, which generally requires less care than a dog." There are many more reasons than just this, why not own a pet just to have some fun?
In the article Health Benefits of Pet Ownership, it says, “Animal companions, both cats and dogs, help ward off depression and loneliness among people with AIDS and Alzheimer's disease.” Owning a pet, if you have a disease like this, may help you through your illness and make you happier too. The article also says, “Stressful situations have less of an impact on elderly pet owners than on those who do not own pets—the pet owners visit the doctor less frequently during such times.”
From the article Benefits of Owning a Pet, “Owning a pet or interacting regularly with animals can lower human’s blood pressure, reduce anxiety and depression, and increase their social interaction.” This is why many hospitals bring dogs to visit their patients weekly or monthly. Another thing that this article said was, “This [owning a pet] can be especially critical for older adults , who sometimes get socially isolated or struggle with finding a sense of purpose. It commonly happens after seniors retire, their spouse dies, their children and grandchildren grow up, or their families move away.” Having a pet can fill the emptiness in their heart they may have because of a loved one passing or family moving away.  When seniors retire and they don’t have a spouse anymore, getting a pet may be just right for them! “ Having a pet often provides people with a reason for enjoying life and connecting with others.” Which means they might be able to connect with someone at a dog park. Now they have a dog walking buddy or a person they could take out to lunch. The end results of owning a pet are endless.

An important issue of being a pet owner is whether to adopt or to buy a pet from a pet store. This issue is important because if more and more people adopt, there will be less pets to kill in the shelter. People can encourage adoptions, or adopt one themselves! You can encourage adopting NOT shopping! Lots of people have been proven to be healthier with pets. In all, people who are lonely, older, or just want to try something new, should try getting a pet. Who knows what could happen! With every animal, there is an adventure. You know, approximately 70% of the world population have pets, wouldn’t you like to be part of that 70%?

1 comment:

  1. I really like your picture. I also really like your idea, it's something new and not like all of the others essays. You also had really good evidence to back up your claims. Nice essay! :)
