Friday, October 16, 2015

Author: Mike Coppinger
Essay topic: Gun Control

I am against gun control, because the Second Amendment in the US constitution, which states; "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." ("Second Amendment.").  

Barack Obama is infringing the right to have firearms, which protects us from robberies, break-ins, etc; he feels that they are unsafe, because they kill innocent people nearly every day, but they also protect citizens from criminals.  I agree with him that guns are dangerous, but it is a right to own a gun; however these weapons are used in wars to protect soldiers from dying fighting enemies that want to wage war.  Australia, for instance, has a lower crime rate than the US because they have restricted guns, but since crimes happen nearly every day in the US, it doesn’t mean that if we restrict firearms that the crime rate will drop.  Many other countries have had crime rates drop due to gun control, but in the US, it is written on our constitution as a right, not a privilege.

Guns are used by citizens for self defence against criminals; nevertheless, criminals rob others because they want to have as much money as others have, but have been dragged down to poverty, whether it may be wasting money on gambling, or on unnecessary objects.  Guns are a major role of protection in war or in one’s house, taking away one's right to bear arms would cause a dramatic increase in crime throughout the nation; in light of that, a civil war may also break out amongst many americans if the Second Amendment is abolished, and firearms are taken by the government.  Many few of the American people don’t want to start a civil war just about guns, it seems like something no one would want to fight about, but it was written on the US Constitution by the founding fathers as a right.

The US Constitution is important, because we can exercise our rights and live in a free country; if the government takes a citizen's right to defend themselves away, our country won’t be so free.  The founding fathers wrote the constitution for a reason, to make The United States of America a free country with rights that every citizen could exercise, like the freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, etc.  Rights are a major building blocks of the US, and without rights, the free country that we know and love today would fall into a chaotic country full of criminals, poverty, and death; likewise, the government would soon fall, and our country would be no more.

In an article on gun control, Jonathan Vankin stated, “Simply put, if not for gun control, Hitler would not have been able to murder 21 million people.”(Vankin, Jonathan. "Adolf Hitler and Gun Control." Inquisitr. Inquisitr, 15 Oct. 2015.).  If Hitler hadn’t decided to restrict firearms, the German people wouldn’t have followed Hitler’s example, and would have defended the Jews from utter destruction.  Obama is nothing like Hitler, but restricting firearms would would cause some americans to revolt, and start a civil war; however, will our crime rates drop? or will they increase drastically?  Since their are so many criminals in america, the crime rate will most likely increase drastically.

The right to bear arms is very important to the US, because it gives citizens the right to protect themselves, in turn protecting their families and homes from criminals; the men who created this great country wanted to be freed from Britain's monarchy, and most of all, they wanted to be treated as equal citizens, and not treated as a lower class.  The Second Amendment, the right to bear arms must be protected to keep our great country from tumbling into chaotic political downfall.  Leges sine moribus vanae: laws without morals are vain. (Pennsylvania University. "Questions about the University." Penn. Office of the University Secretary, 2014. 14 Oct. 2015.).

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