Monday, October 19, 2015

The Effects of Laziness

Author: Collen Bauernschmidt Essay topic:Laziness

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Collen Bauernschmidt
Laura Long

The Effect of Laziness
Sometimes, an urge to rest is overwhelming; the most common reason for this is fatigue. There is nothing wrong with spending a few calm hours doing nothing. However, there are people whose entire lifestyle can be described by the word “lazy”.   These people prefer to act as spectators of life, and this personality trait can cause severe negative effects both on an individual and on their surroundings.  As we go farther and farther into the future, we must find ways to maintain our productivity in life.
Laziness negatively affects an individual’s relationships with important people in their life, due to certain behavioral habits that lazy people develop at school, work, and even at home. A large cause of this is when someone hands off work to a colleague, knowing that they will complete it for them. Lazy people also often procrastinate, and justify that what they are doing is ok which causes the problem to get worse and worse for them.  In an article on LifePaths 360, it was stated that “lethargic individuals develop a habit of complaining about their circumstances, or to put themselves in a favorable light and show that they work harder than their colleagues, but are undervalued”.  Any of these behavioral problems result in loss of relationships or jobs that can lead into much worse problems such as depression.  Relationships can be affected because people seem to not care as much for things that they don't see important, so they start to drop communication and interaction.

The problem of losing relationships can often lead to another problem of being lazy, which is physical and mental health. Lazy people are physically less active than those who aren't, meaning that choosing not to go to the gym that week or not going on that run is causing your body to suffer.  According to study by Tel Aviv University, “being inactive causes one’s fat cells (those which already exist in the body) to become larger”.   In other words, being inactive not only contributes into an individual gaining extra weight, but also makes the situation with their already existing fat cells even more severe. This also makes countering the obesity even more difficult.  Also, obesity often leads to other more severe health problems that can be life changing or even fatal.

Laziness can affect the entire life of someone. Because they are unwilling to make efforts to participate in everyday life, lazy people miss opportunities that life offers them. A person may think that it requires too much effort at a moment to step out of their comfort zone, so they will assure themselves that they will do it some other time. During the years of evolution, humans were made for active performance. Human beings need to step out of the comfort zone in order to do activities as it was a major part of adapting to a changing environment in our past. By being lazy, a person is excluding themselves from this, which will lead to mental and physical problems.

Laziness is easily one of the biggest problems of the modern world.  It is often seen as a forgivable habit, but it actually is a habit that may easily destroy one’s life forever.

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