Friday, October 16, 2015

Abortion: Just Because it's Easy Doesn't Mean You Should 

Author: Kaylee M    
Essay topic: Abortion
Abortion has been an issue for decades, and people are all over the board with their opinions. This and many other issues in the world are creating controversy throughout our communities and it shouldn’t be happening because abortion is uncalled for. Many women use this so they don’t have to worry about managing a life with a child.   Abortion is used simply to make life easier; people are more concerned about themselves than the well-being of the unborn child.
Convenience doesn’t make us take responsibility for our actions; abortion is starting to become the easier route. It’s easier to just forget about a child you conceived because you just made a “mistake” when you got pregnant. It’s easier to not have a baby because you don’t want to take that extra money out of your paycheck. People aren’t having abortions anymore because the mother’s safety is at risk; they’re doing it simply for convenience. According to Dr. Ladrum Shettles, “Less than one percent of all abortions are performed to save the mother’s life.” (Abortion Facts) If that’s not surprising enough, only 3 percent of abortions are done because the baby’s health is at risk. (Johnston)  So, that means that a very high percentage of abortions are performed because it was the easy way out. That should not be okay. Our society is so broken that we’ve resorted to killing a child because it’s too hard to handle at the moment. For that other 96% of women who abort, they should have been smarter with their decisions so a child doesn’t have to suffer for their consequences.
When we make a choice out of convenience, we often forget what a child could become. I believe that every person has a purpose and no one should be allowed to instantly take that purpose away. That child could be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, maybe even the President of the United States, but if the woman is getting the right to choose, all of those things could never happen for that one individual. Mothers are told all the time that abortion is an option, and some parents choose to use that option. There are cases though where Mothers refuse to listen, and went by what they believed is right. Tim Tebow, a former Broncos football player, would not be here if his mom had listened to the doctors and decided to go through with the abortion. Tim stated in his book, “According to [the doctor], the ‘mass of fetal tissue’ or ‘tumor’—me—had to go.” (Alcorn) They insisted that Tebow would be aborted, but obviously they were wrong because he continues to live his life each and every day. It kills me that someone who has a whole life ahead of them never gets a chance to actually experience it because of one choice. You always hear people say, “Life is precious, cherish every moment,” but some of the same people that are saying that are also saying, “It’s a mother’s choice to decide whether or not that child gets to live.” I honestly don’t see a difference; if life is valuable for an adult, why can’t it be valuable for an infant, too? We all started in our mother’s womb, you know.
If you were to ask someone if an abortion caused pain to the child, most people wouldn’t know the correct answer. Many people are unaware of the effects of abortion on the actual child. According to Dr. Ranalli, “Unborn babies at 20 weeks development actually feel pain more intensely than adults. This is a uniquely vulnerable time, since the pain system is fully established, yet the higher level pain-modifying system has barely begun to develop.” They are so sensitive to pain, meaning that any form of abortion will affect the child. People think it’s a harmless process when it’s far from harmless. If the baby is capable of feeling the same pain as we are, it shouldn’t be right to perform those procedures on them. Some people are educated about this though, and it doesn’t bother them, which sickens me. There are not too many stories where the babies survive the abortion, but Gianna Jessen had a unique case because she did. Her mother, a 17 year old, attempted to go through with an abortion, but her baby did not die like it was supposed to. "I did not die that day," Jessen said. "I was delivered alive in a Los Angeles County abortion clinic in a room full of teenage girls who had already had the saline injections and were feeling their children die inside of them." (White) Gianna had so many problems because of the attempted abortion, and she lived with cerebral palsy for most of her life. This woman is a living example of what abortion does to the baby. She was fully capable of feeling pain; she was fully capable of living a life, and she did.
I will mention once again the word “convenience.” People are willing to do anything they can to make life more comfortable for them. The future of a child is in its mother’s hands, and many people are taking that so lightly. I believe that our society needs to realize what’s happening, and I don’t know how long that will take, but I’m willing to do all that I can to open the eyes of others.

Works Cited
"" Fact #8: Less than 1% of All Abortions Are Performed to save the Life of the Mother. Abortion Facts, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>.
Alcorn, Randy. "Doctors Recommended Football Star Tim Tebow Be Aborted." Life News, 13 Jan. 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>.
Johnston, Robert. "Reasons given for Having Abortions in the United States." Reasons given for Having Abortions in the United States. N.p., Aug. 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>.

White, Amy. "Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen." Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen. Blessed Cause, n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2015. <>.

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