Saturday, October 17, 2015


Author:Mikala Carroll  
 Essay topic: Specieism

Hi, my name is Jennings. Today is my 2nd day of living (Yes, I was born yesterday!). My mom was raised on a dairy farm and said her mom gave birth to her there as well. She’s told me a lot of stories about the dairy farm.

Today, I got taken away from my mom. A big truck came to take me. I feel like I’ve been in this truck for so long, am I already 4 days old? I’m starving, I’m cold and I just wanna go home to my mom.

Today, I am finally out of the truck! I see the sky, the grass; oh how it smells so good and open, I wonder if my mom is here- Suddenly I am pushed against several cold, steel bars in my face, others murmured as they are in a similar situation, some said their mothers warned them of death here, as if it’s a normal thing; my mother never warned me of this.

Today, I sat without food or water. I didn’t get to move much either; this area is too small to move when it is so crowded. How long has it been since I got here? Every minute I hear shrieks of pain come from my friends, shrieks of fear and hurt, what is going on? Why did I get sent here?

Today, a man tied a rope around my neck and pulled me to a room, I was too exhausted to walk. Is my mother in the room? I hope she is it’s been so long since I’ve seen her and- Today turned out to be the last day I was Jennings

Jennings was a newborn baby calf, who sadly was born male, which means he does not get to live longer than only a few weeks at max, before he is shipped to a slaughter house.
 Every twenty seconds a young male calf just like Jennings will be slaughtered… Why? Because of Specieism; if it weren’t for Specieism no animals, farm or not would be harmed by human hand.  Recently an organization called “Toronto Pig Save”, shared a video of them pouring cool water on the rows upon rows of pigs that were overheating in a transport trailer, one of the advocates who did so, is now facing criminal charges for giving the pigs water. This is just one other example of how livestock is treated cruelly… Livestock is only one group of animals that suffers from terrible Specieism.
First of all what is Specieism and what is the meaning of it? Specieism is the idea that being human is a good enough reason for human animals to have greater moral rights than non-human animals; also considered a prejudice or bias in favor of the interests of members of one's own species and against those of members of other species. So what exactly are the differences between us and animals??
an-i-mal ˈanəməl/

1.     1.
of, relating to, or characteristic of animals.
"a wide range of animal species"

1.     1.
of, relating to, or characteristic of people or human beings.
"the human body"
The only difference that Google can list between us and other species of animals is our looks!
Yes scientifically we have different DNA but you also have different DNA then your mom and dad, so why don’t you eat them? Specieism!
Specieism is not, letting cows sit on the couch or a husky eat your cereal; Specieism is the idea of not treating every single species with the amount of love, respect and protection you would want for your own.  
Animal abuse is something that happens in thousands of homes across America and BILLIONS of homes across the entire planet, all because of Specieism. 
So what percent of animals are affected? (The following data is only applied to domestic animals) Out of the 100% of domestic animals that are abused - 31% involved dogs (25 percent of these were identified as pit-bull-like-type breeds), while 9 percent involved cats.
It is sad to me that people only care about the statistics of cruelty to dogs and cats. What about the other animals? The list below contains all animals that can suffer abuse throughout their lives or animals whose lives can end early because of us.
1.      Livestock
2.      Horses and bulls
3.      Circus animals or zoo animals (Yes! SeaWorld IS a type of zoo!!)
4.      Deer, buck and moose are hunted. (Along with wild turkeys and pheasants)
5.      Fish (and the thousands of marine animals that die by getting caught in nets by mistake!!!).
6.      Domestic animals as stated above.
As well as the wild lions, rhinos, hippos, elephants and many more safari/jungle animals are cruelly hunted down for their skin, meat and/or horns.
The point of this essay is to stress to you that every species of animal is important, not just the human species.  
So what can you, a member of the human species; do to help protect other members of the animal species??
1.      If you see someone hurting any animal, call your local police and alert them.
·         If the animal happens to be domestic call your local shelter or rescue immediately!
·         If the animal happens to be livestock, call the farmer or owner of the land and report the abuse immediately!
2.      If you find an animal that needs urgent rescue or urgent medical care call your local rescue or vet to get help.
Absolutely DO NOT call animal control under any circumstances!!
3.      Go vegan!!! Even just going vegetarian instead is a huge step in the right direction against animal cruelty!
4.      Sign and share petitions you find that are in favor of animal rights!
5.      Donate money to organizations around the world to help them make a change!

Even if you are a teenage student with no cash or a 60 year old with millions of dollars, you can do something to help. From signing petitions on the internet to travelling to Antarctica to rescue seals, you are making a difference in an animal’s life. 
Let's end specieism, one animal at a time.

Works cited

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