Monday, October 19, 2015

Marijuana . Colorado Employment and Harmful Effects

Author: Kaylee Chandler

Essay topic:Marijuana . Colorado Employment and Harmful


In today's economy, anything a person can do to increase their employability is needed to secure a future. On the flip side to this; anything a person does can decrease their employability. Adding the legalization of marijuana use in Colorado does not change the current employment standards. In Colorado it is legal to smoke marijuana, but an employee can still be terminated at any time for it.
There are many reasons why marijuana is bad for you when it comes to your job. For instance; disorientation, lack of physical coordination (reflexes) and can cause sleepiness. All this happening while you are working makes it harder to stay in control of all the responsibilities you have to do. “Employers’ zero-tolerance drug policies counteract Colorado’s marijuana laws” said by the high court in Colorado. Also said by the high court of Colorado “In a court voting of 6-0 the court affirmed that businesses in Colorado can and will fire those under the influence of marijuana. Both on and off duty.
Due to the sleepiness, reflexes and disorientation these can all cause many problems when working in a career where these are required to get the job done. They all play a huge role with jobs like first responder firefighters or something mandating. When someone is smoking marijuana it risks their own lives and those around them. When you work a very hard tolling job it's best to always be able to have all your focus on what you are doing, so when you are tired, it causes you to lose focus and not be able to concentrate on everything that really needs all your attention. Along with disorientation; if you can't concentrate on what is at hand or even see what is needed to be done then you will be risking a lot.
Stephanie Race a lieutenant of her station says that they get a list of eligible recruits for their station in Westminster Colorado. If these recruits that have been listed have ever consumed any substance of marijuana they will immediately be dropped from the list no matter if they meet that stations requirements. Any firefighter under the influence of marijuana is risking their lives and those of their brothers in any dangerous situation. because of this many recruits are dropped so dangers like these can be avoided.
All of this proves that marijuana is bad for those on the job and those that aren't. It can cause many risks. It has many side effects and will ruin lives of those around you and your own. Marijuana is illegal, and the supreme court of Colorado has proved that if you do not follow the law of not consuming any substance of marijuana while working then you will lose that career and it will be on your record whenever you go to find a new job.

Work Sighted
  • Alamy. "Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells? Harmful Effects on the Brain - Drug-Free World." Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells? Harmful Effects on the Brain - Drug-Free World. Alamy, Feb.-Mar. 2006. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
  • Wallace, Alicia. "Colorado Supreme Court: Employers Can Fire for Off-duty Pot Use." - The Denver Post. Jordan Steffen15, 15 July 2015. Web. 19 Oct. 2015

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