Friday, October 16, 2015

The Downfall on Teenagers

Author: Alix Gillen
Essay topic: Teenage Drug Use

Alix Gillen
Contemporary Essay
9 October 2015
Ms. Long
The Downfall on Teenagers
“Tiffany was 11 when she started drinking, smoking pot and skipping school. At 12, she tried LSD. A year later, she graduated to cocaine. Private schools didn't help. She wrecked her mother's car. And she nearly overdosed on heroin.
That wasn't all. ‘I prostituted for drugs. . . . I didn't have a whole lot of money,' the 16-year-old explained matter-of-factly. 'Doing pot was child's play. I wanted cocaine and I would do anything for it.’” "Teen-agers Tell Sad Stories Of Drug Abuse To Martinez." Tribunedigital-orlandosentinel. N.p., 24 Oct. 1989. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.  This story has a very strong effect. Since Tiffany started doing drugs at a young age, she never really had a chance to live a normal childhood life. She gets into a lot of trouble and with this kind of behavior, she will end her up in jail. The dramatic rise of teenage drug use affects the dropout rates and the success of their future.
Drug use not only harms your body, it also harms your brain cells making learning almost impossible for some students. It is a problem because kids will not learn how to take care of themselves, they will not have motivation to do important tasks, nor will they learn the basics to live everyday life. “Past-month use of marijuana remained steady among 8th graders at 6.5 percent, among 10th graders at 16.6 percent, and among 12th graders at 21.2 percent. Close to 6 percent of 12th graders report daily use of marijuana, and 81 percent of them said the drug is easy to get. Among 8th graders, there was a drop in perceived availability in 2014, with 36.9 percent saying it is easy to get marijuana, compared to 39.1 percent in 2013.” "High School and Youth Trends." DrugFacts:. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. This just shows the amount of young teenagers taking part in drugs. “Drug use can also alter your mood-when you’re high, and even when you’re not. Drug use can make trigger stress or mental illness, or exacerbate already existing issues.”
Drug use not only affects a teenager’s future, but the nation’s future. Our future is based on the teenage generation and if the teenage population does not take care of themselves, how are they supposed to take ahold of the nation? Without a good education it will affect their ability to get a good job, be financially stable, and be successful in life. “Drug use can have an immediate impact on your body and mind but it can also affect your future and your relationship with others.” "High School and Youth Trends." DrugFacts:. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. Not only does drugs affect your own body but also the economy. For example, “The side effects of using drugs-like a hangover, or a “coming down” feeling-can reduce your ability to focus. Poor performance at your job could cause you to lose your job all together.”
The cause of this problem could be many different issues. Such as non parental figure, depression, peer pressure, modeling parent’s behavior, divorce, or bad role models. Martinez, a guidance counselor, asked the teens what problems they thought led them to drugs. “Answers came rapidly: their parents' divorces, insecurity, feelings of abandonment and the drug-induced sense of power and glamor.” These are just some other examples of drug influenced decisions.
Everyday people can have an impact on this issue by making the consequences known. We can do this by openly talking about drugs and not keeping it in the dark. By having trusted, responsible adults talk to teenagers about peer pressure, social media, or even at home life, it will help decrease the amount of stress and urge to do drugs. This will also create a bond between the struggling teenager and yourself, and you will be able to connect to them more. We all can take action on trying to stop teenage drug use by being aware of what your peers, friends, and or family are doing. Know the consequences that will happen in the future such as health problems and physical disorders. Are you ready to help change someone’s life?
The dramatic rise of teenage drug use affects the dropout rates and the success of their future. Teenage drug use is one of the top 5 reasons of why students are dropping out of school. Without an education and basic learning skills, how are we supposed to leave our future to these teenagers? The truth is we cannot. We need to take action and get teenagers help so they can grow up to be successful and lead our nation with determination and intelligence. This can all start with your help. Reach out to your peers and give them a helping hand.

Works Cited
"High School and Youth Trends." DrugFacts:. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>.
"" ReachOut Blog RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>.
"Teen-agers Tell Sad Stories Of Drug Abuse To Martinez." Tribunedigital-orlandosentinel. N.p., 24 Oct. 1989. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>.

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