Monday, October 19, 2015


Melissa Marshall
Ms. Long
Language Arts 10
  Some say that depression is just a bunch of teenagers that aren’t getting enough attention at home are looking for it desperately, I say that it’s a very huge problem and it’s not just for attention. I live with depression and I know for a fact that it’s harder than it looks to be okay, I know what it’s like to be so sad that I feel like dying is the only option. Not only do I know what it’s like, I know that others feel the same way but they’re in different situations.Depression is unexplainable sadness, I can’t put it into words because of the fact that I know what it’s like, it’s literally just feeling sad and helpless. And so I can put it into words, I have gathered doctors information and treatment solutions.

  I know that it’s hard to find treatment without talking to someone because that’s my issue, but here are some treatments you could use. Treatments include psychotherapy, medications, and alternative medications. The medications include Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Paroxetine, Citalopram, and Escitalopram. Doctors define depression as a chemical imbalance in your brain.There are six stages of depression and they are Major depression, Bipolar disorder, Dysthymic disorder, Cyclothymic disorder, Postnatal depression, and Seasonal affective disorder. Your behavior and your moods determine which stage you are in or that of which that you have. I have never known what stage I am in and I still don’t. I can’t put myself into a category because I feel a little bit of all of them. It’s like I feel everything, but nothing at the same time.

  Since I can’t be too personal on this essay, I won’t go into too much detail about my depression but I will go into certain point of it. The point of this essay was to show you readers that it isn’t about attention and that’s what I’m going to do in this paragraph. Not all of us with depression want attention, in fact, some of us are terrified that if we tell someone, they’ll be disappointed in us and will disown us. Sometimes this is the very case that happens. We open up to you normal people and you think of us as dark and depressing creatures of the night, that is not what we are. We are human just like you and whoever calls depression “Beautiful” really needs to read this because we have psychological problems and could snap and murder everyone at any time. We are nothing different than you, we just think differently than everyone else. While some people think they’re perfect, we think hey maybe someone will think that I’m decent today. What you think, we usually think differently, in fact probably opposite. It all depends on how we’re feeling that day. I hope that made sense and it’s time to conclude this essay.

   I’m not sure how to conclude this essay because I’m exposed on every level that anyone possibly could be. I’m not sure how I feel about this, it’s scary but it’s good to know that someone actually knows. But anyway, I’m still here and I think it’ll be like that for a while, thank you for listening.

              I’m scared to get close, and I hate being alone,
           I long for that feeling to not feel at all, the higher I get
  The lower I’ll sink, I can’t drown my demons, they know how to swim.
             “Can You Feel My Heart” By Bring Me The Horizon

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